We have made our shipping simplified. As we are able to obtain discounts with carriers, we pass this along. We now offer free shipping on orders $65 and over. Our standard shipping now only has 2 tiers. Economy shipping will usually be via ground shipping and takes from 2-7 days, depending on your location. You may also choose expedited options, which are rates in real time. If we end up paying a lower rate than the quote, we refund the difference. Please let us know if you have any questions!
- Orders under $15.00
- $4.00
- Orders $15.01-$50.00
- $6.00
- Orders $50.01-$64.99
- $8.00
- Orders $65 and over
- Free Shipping (Free shipping is ground ONLY)
You will also see options for UPS 3 Day Select and USPS Priority Mail. These options will guarantee a faster shipping time than our standard shipping. This pricing is carrier based via weight.
We will ALWAYS refund any shipping overage from what is charged related to what we pay.
Please note that the USPS is still experiencing delays and does not offer a guaranteed delivery time frame, however, as things have gotten better, it is typically 2-3 days.